What to expect at your first AZPM event

What to expect at your first AZPM event

First times can be scary - for a lot of things - but we are here to ensure that your first (and all of) your experiences with us at AZPM are not only comfortable, but magical. Here at AZPM our mission is to create a comfortable, creative, and safe space for all of our creatives that attend our events. Lets first start by breaking down some basics about what we will cover in this post today. 

Table of contents

  • AZPM etiquette - basic rules, and expectations
  • What to expect when collaborating with fellow creatives in the space
  • How AZPM events operate - procedures upon arrival, what to expect during the event throughout the day when you attend
  • What types of content you can expect others to be curating, and what types of content our events are open to making while you attend
  • What to bring when you attend events

AZPM Etiquette

Arriving Early/Packing up Timely: We do ask that when an event requires a check in (paid events, or events that require a deposit to reserve your slot) that you arrive 15 mins prior to your scheduled slot time (or the scheduled time of the event start time) This ensures that you have your full time slot to use for actual content creation! Maximizing your time slot is key to getting the most content created in the time provided from the space. We understand that depending on the role you play at the event (model. photographer, cosplayer, influencer, brand, etc.) you may require additional time for set up/get ready for the actual time slot. If that is the case DM us on Instagram and we will be happy to make any accommodations that we are able to. We are happy to be flexible when time allows! 

Aside from arriving early to the event- we also ask that you have your belongings packed, and are leaving the premises at the scheduled time of your time slot ending (or at the scheduled time of the event ending). We make announcements at the last 15 minutes of each time slot / prior to event ending time- which is your que to get packed up. Usually we have some form of pack up/tear down that cannot occur until our guests have left the premises- so we ask that everyone be respectful of this and allow us all to get home at a reasonable time. 

Shared Spaces: When we host our events as AZPM, we often use public, or shared spaces - so the number one rule we abide by is to leave the space better than you found it. Often times when we host in studios there are dressing room areas - we ask that you not only pack out everything that you bring in- but to also do your best to place anything borrowed back in its original place where you found it. Some studios offer beauty products, props, accessories, etc. We ask that if something is used, or borrowed that it finds its way back to its original home in the same condition that it was found originally. In the event that a product is used, and it emptied - please let us know so that we can replace the product as needed (hair spray, lotion, toilet paper, etc.) The same is said for props - the props in the studio spaces are borrowed, so please replace the props back to their original home location once you are finished with the prop- so that the next person can easily locate the item if needed. 

Another thing to keep in mind about shared spaces is being courteous of your fellow creatives - being that we have many people in the studio at a given time, we ask that you share all of the amenities of the space - whether that is props, backdrops, etc. We ask that you allow others to either use the space with you, or you do not stay at a single set/location too long if others are wanting to use that space as well. Depending on the amount of time in the time slot, please use your best judgement as to what a reasonable amount of time at a single set/location may be. As for sharing the use of a single set/location - we do encourage that photographers shoot at the same time if needed/ or if they would like. For example, say you have 2 models posing in front of a backdrop together - rather than waiting for one person to get the shots that they are hoping for - you can always feel free to hop in and snag some photos of your own, as long as snagging those photos is not taking away/obstructing others from shooting/posing. By shooting at the same time, you are able to not only capture a different angle/vision, but you are also having the opportunity to experience a "paparazzi's" style of shooting which is very common in high fashion, red carpet, runway, etc. 


In this section we will go over the expectations when it comes to collaborations in the space. 

Set Intentions: When working with fellow creatives (models, cosplayers, photographers, videographers, influencers, etc.) Set intentions as to what type of content you are looking to create - and where that content will be used. Legally - the owner of the device that content is created on is the legal owner of the image - and they do have the right to use those images as they see fit. That being said - this is why we bring up the topic - be sure that you and your peers you are collaborating with have a clear understanding on how you will use the content created - that way any future awkward conversations are avoided. We have a handy Model/Photographer release form that can be used to put the verbiage onto paper if that is more comfortable for both parties - this form can be found HERE (or on our AZPM resources tab) This form can be printed at home, and brought to the event by the participant - this is not a required document, rather an example doc that we recommend if you prefer written rather than verbal agreements. 

Exchange info: When you work with another creative at our events - it is best practice to obtain the contact information (whatever your preference is, Email, social media, etc.) as well as the social media for the individual prior to leaving the event.  Since all of the work at our events are collaborative, its important to give credit when posting the work of those that you collaborate with.  

Comfortability and Consent: This topic is incredibly important, so we made it a point to bring it up - comfort levels. All creatives have their own comfortability level on a variety of topics, so we will cover those here- It is important to always discuss with your peers you are collaborating with their comfortability on the content being made. For example - If a person is wanting to make nude content at an event - they would want to first discuss that with their collaborator - whether that is another model/cosplayer/influencer/brand etc. or photographer/videographer - we want to ensure that all parties are comfortable with the content that is being created with them - and avoiding any assumptions. This is the key to keeping our environment safe and inviting for everyone involved. Another example of comfortability is consent on touching - this goes for ALL parties involved in the collaboration - for this we will give a couple of common examples we see from first hand experience at our events: 

Example A: If 2 models are posing together - it would be the most respectful choice to ask what poses your peer is comfortable with - holding hands, leaning on their shoulder, etc. Any form of touch should have the proper consent in place so ensure that everyone feels comfortable. 

Example B: A model and a photographer are working together - the photographer while snapping some shots notices that the models hair has fallen in front of their face in the slightest - prior to the photographer moving the hair away to a more desirable location - a simple "may i?" or other consent should be given prior to the photographer touching the model in any way. 

These are a couple of common examples from events that we see frequently happen - our community is very good about being respectful of boundaries, and we have never had any issues reported at our events on this topic - we simply bring this us because as our community grows, we want our expectations to be transparent to all new comers so that everyone can be on the same page, and our space can be a safe place for everyone to create content together.

How AZPM events operate & What to expect

Check in: Check in works a little bit differently depending on the type of event - so we will break that down here: 

  • AZPM+ Events (paid events): When you arrive, check in with either Alexa (Lex) or Amanda, either of us will check you in with either your name or email tied to your ticket - once you are checked in, you are free to begin exploring, head to the dressing room/ etc. depending on what the space provides. 
  • AZPM (events that require a deposit): When you arrive, check in with either Alexa or Amanda, either of us will check you in using either your name, or your email associated with your ticket. Once you are checked in - your deposit refund will be initiated via Eventbrite to your original payment method. Your refund will be received in 3-10 business days. Once you are checked in, you are free to begin exploring, get set up, etc. 
  • AZPM free events: When you arrive, no need to check in unless you have any questions or concerns! Since these events are in public spaces, we will establish a meeting point and time per each event - this will be the space where the group will meet up, then we will break off from there for a "walk and shoot" style for some locations, and others that are more centrally located (for example a park compared to walking around mill ave and taking photos) we will disperse to create as needed. 

NOTE: You may find yourself having "down" time during the event where you are not shooting/modeling - this "down" time is perfect for networking! Meet the other creatives at the event :) 

Types of shoot locations: 

  • Walk and shoot style: These shoots are exactly as they sound- walk around and shoot content! Some of the areas we frequent for walk and shoots are Roosevelt art district, Mill ave in Tempe, and Melrose district. For these shoots plan to arrive early - the "start" time of the shoot determines the meeting time at the chosen meeting spot to begin the shoot. This is a location that will be announced via Eventbrite as well as our social medias. This is a location that we will meet at, and we will wait 15-20 mins into the shoot time to allow for everyone to arrive. If you arrive later than the 15-20min window, and are not at the meeting spot- no worries! We check our DMs periodically through the day to answer questions, and give directions on where we are moving to. If the style of shoot is a walk and shoot, we will update locations as we move via our Instagram story as well- so that the group can be located easily for those who may not arrive at the beginning of the shoot. Please keep in mind for these public locations, we expect that all public decency laws will be obeyed per the city guidelines. Also please keep in mind there are not always antiquate locations to change in public spaces, plan accordingly! 
  • Photo Studios: These are typically locations used for our AZPM+ events - these are private spaces that we host events at, which rotate/vary based on the theme of the shoot. We use a variety of studios - so when booking your ticket please be sure to confirm what studio we will be hosting at to ensure you arrive at the correct location! These locations will be in the Eventbrite, as well as posted on social media platforms. A lot of the studios that we work with do offer dressing rooms/restrooms for changing outfits, touch ups, etc. however - every space is different! Please keep this in mind when planning your outfit/makeup changes if you will be in front of the camera! For those who will be behind the camera - Lighting / studio equipment also varies by location, please do your research on the space and bring any equipment you feel you may need that the location may/may not offer. Feel free to reach out to us via Instagram DM with any questions on locations! The standard AZPM+ check in requirements apply to these locations.
  • Other Public spaces (parks, etc.): These locations are similar to the walk and shoot expectations as far as meeting space goes - however when hosting at a park its much easier to wander around and find the group compared to the walk and shoot styles. Please keep in mind for these public locations, we expect that all public decency laws will be obeyed per the city guidelines. Also please keep in mind there are not always antiquate locations to change in public spaces, plan accordingly!  

Flow of the event once you arrive: 

Our events operate on a very unstructured "hop in" basis. We structure (if you want to call it that) these events this way because we believe that this is truly the best way to allow the creativity to flow, and to be able to best network with your peers in the community . This flow allows for people to come together naturally to work together. Some creatives prefer to pre-arrange time to work together at the events, and we welcome this as well for those who prefer to have a bit more structure in their time in the studio - if this is what you prefer, let us know and we would be happy to help arrange connections via social media so that you can discuss sets with people you are interested in working with prior to your arrival. If pre-arranged is not your style - that is okay! When you arrive in the studio and are all set up- ready to shoot - feel free to reach out to anyone in person at the event to work together! Everyone in the community is incredibly friendly, kind, and talented - also keep in mind - everyone is in that space for the same reason, and that is to create content together! 

If the thought of pre-arranging peers to shoot with, as well as the idea of reaching out to someone same day in the studio is also intimidating - WE ARE HERE TO HELP!! We are absolutely happy to recommend peers to work with either prior to event day, or once you arrive and are ready to shot as well! Re recommend to take a look through our social media to get an idea of the creatives who usually attend our events, and see who you might want to work with! Also - a great place to check is our tagged photos as well- an overflow of beautiful art that we havent posted yet will also be there from people who have attended past events! 

Wrap up (last 15 mins of your time slot/last 15 mins of the event): Wrap up time is incredibly important, which is why we build it into your time slot with your Eventbrite ticket/rsvp. If you are attending an event that features multiple time slots- its important to make sure to wrap up and be out as the people are showing up for the next time slot - that way the next people can get into the studio. The more overlap we have with people coming in vs people leaving the more chaotic the transitions can be - help us with a smooth transition by beginning to pack up your belongings within the 15 min announcement made at the end of each time slot. 

IF the space is a public space, you are welcome to stay as long as your heart desires - however we will be leaving at the scheduled end time- so our support will no longer be provided once the event time is over. 

Content Curated at AZPM events

At AZPM the type of content that you can expect to curate, and see curated is only limited by your imagination, comfortability of your peers you work with, and the limitations of the space. So - what the heck does that all mean?? Essentially - the sky is the limit! We allow all content styles including (but not limited to) High fashion, creative portraits, maternity, casual wear, street wear, rave wear, cosplay, boudoir, Only Fans content, artistic nudity, other Spicy site content, etc. Our only ask is that you keep in mind whether the space is private, or the space is public - If we are in a private space (ex. private studio) you are welcome to express yourself openly with any 18+ content you are comfortable making - keep in mind that our events house anywhere from 15-40 people per time slot - so please take that into consideration when gauging your comfortability. However - if we are in a public space (parks, walk-and-shoots, etc.) we ask that you are in accordance with all public health/safety/public decency guidelines/laws - as we will not be held responsible for any negative action taken by local law enforcement on any attendees if any rules/laws are broken in accordance with public decency, or any other law in place by the city/county/state/federal government. essentially - please don't break any laws at our events - we are all adults, and we trust that you will be in accordance with all local/federal laws.


Gallery from Prior Shoots: (click on photos for credits via Instagram Posts)

What to bring to your first AZPM event

This is something that we will be taking a deep dive into in the future, as there are SO MANY things that you will need, and things that you may not even know that you want until you're at the event. Things that need to be brought to the events (and some optional things) vary based on your role at the event - whether you are going to be in front of the camera, or behind the camera. We will use this section to give a glimpse of some some items for both those in front of the camera, and behind the camera. Stay tuned for more of a deep dive into the essentials (and where to get them) in future blog posts. 

In Front of the Camera (models, cosplayers, influencers, etc.): 

  • Outfit Changes! Depending on how long you plan to attend an event, you may want to have a few outfit options. In our experience - it can take 20-45 mins to shoot a single outfit, so plan accordingly! its better to have too much, than not enough.
  • "Get Ready" essentials - Think about the things you use daily to get yourself from drab to fab! Things like hair brushes, makeup, baby wipes, eyelash glue, perfume, etc.
  • Shoes and accessories! This is a big one that i see models say "darn i wish i would have brought *insert fabulous item here*!!!" Think purses, shoes, necklaces, glasses, etc. 
  • Props! We LOVE LOVE LOVE when models/cosplayers/influencers etc. come with their own props to work with! Whether they are store bought, or a DIY - we are HERE FOR IT. This of course, is not essential - but gives some fun flair to your shots.

Behind the Camera (photographers, videographers, etc.):

  • Camera/videography equipment
  • Lighting equipment!!! Some studios offer more equipment for our use than others, so its best to do your research on the space to see what is offered, and prepare as needed. Better to have equipment you don't have to pull out of your bag, rather than not enough light in your images.
  • Equipment accessories (tripods, extension cords, etc.)
  • Chargers/Spare batteries/ Etc.
  • MEMORY CARDS (lol how many times have we forgot these lil things, i mean come on guys. i swear TRIPPLE CHECK!!! speaking from experience of course) 
  • Props! Just because you are not in front of the camera doesn't mean you cant bring props to make your shots sparkle! 

These are just a few examples of things that may be good to have during your time at our events- we could go on for EONS with ideas on what you may need at our events, but that will be on another post! Stay tuned for more blog posts to come where we will take a deeper dive on things you might need for your next event with AZPM! 


Thank you for taking time to read through this little crash course on what to expect at your first AZPM event, if you have any additional questions PLEASE DM US ON INSTAGRAM! We check our messages and message requests multiple times throughout the day, DAILY - so we will get back to you as soon as we can! Thank you for reading, and welcome to the AZPM family!

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